Early ones drilled in 2012
Criteria to be listed
cumulative greater than 350K
jump in production
late spud
21015, CLR, Juneau, huge jump
21031, Whiting, Carl Kannianen, Sanish, 334K best so far;
21038, Slawson, Cannonball Federal, Van Hook
21045, Statoil, Ruth, East Fork; huge jump
21046, Statoil, Jack, East Fork; huge jump
21053, CLR, Richmond, Brooklyn, huge jump
21054, QEP, Veeder, Grail, 355K
21080, Bruin, FB, Eagle Nest, 353K
21104, WPX, Delores, Antelope, 402K
21111, ERF, Anna, Moccasin Creek, spud 6/16
21112, MRO, Aisenbrey, Reunion Bay, 384K
21141, Whiting, Anna, East Fork, 381K
21172, MRO, TAT USA, Reunion Bay, spud 11/17; SI/NC;
21194, EOG, Wayzetta, Parshall, 442K
21198, Whiting, Berger, East Fork, 376K
21219, WPX, Black Hawk 1-12H, Moccasin Creek, 403K
21225, EOG, Liberty 24-2531H, Parshall, 484K
21226, Zavanna, Panther 16-21 1H, Stony Creek, 404K
21239, EOG, Wayzetta 156-3329H, Parshall, 832K
21243, MRO, Everett Fisher USA 31-6H, Reunion Bay, 411K 7/18;
21244, Statoil, Patent Gate 7-6 1H, Sakakawea, big jump
21245, Statoil, Heinz 18-19 1H, Patent Gate, big jump
21253, XTO, Esther Federal 34X-28G, Lost Bridge, small jump; production extended
21258, Oasis, Nora 13-9H, Poe, 355K; drilled 2011;
21269, WPX, Skunk Creek 23-14 HC, Mandaree, 429K
21274, ERF, Chord 148-93-18D-07-3H, McGregory Buttes, 460K
21275, ERF, Music 148-93-18D-07-4H TF, McGregory Buttes, 369K
21289, Hess, EN-Thompson..., Alkali Creek, 367K
21294, CLR, Rader ... Avoca, 353K
21298, BR, Elizabeth Stroh 34-7MBH, 448K
21301, ERF, Pointer ..., Squaw Creek, drilled in late 2017
21312, Hess, AN-Gudbranson ..., Elm Tree, 366K
21318, Kaiser-Francis, Lance ..., Sanish, 387K
21351, MRO, Ostlund 11-14H, Reunion Bay, 478K
21358, Statoil, Clifford Bakke ..., Alger, 461K, small jump; re-worked?
21359, Statoil, Clifford Bakke ..., Alger, 361K,
21378, EOG, Wayzetta ..., Parshall, 393K
21380, Hess, LK-Pohribnak ..., Cedar Coulee, 351K
21386, White Butte, Panzer ..., Antelope, drilled in 2015; 225K
21387, ditto
21397, Slawson, Wolverine ..., Elm Tree, 388K, nice jump
21398, Slawson, Wolverine ..., Elm Tree, 467K nice well;
21406, EOG, Liberty ..., Parshall, 402K
21427, Slawson, Sniper Federal 2-6-7H, Big Bend, 407K
21429, Hess, BB-Eide ..., Blue Buttes, 347K
21436, MRO, Pennington, Reunion Bay, 420K
21437, QEP, Lawlar ..., Grail, 400K
21456, QEP, TAT ..., Grail, 437K
21458, MRO, Tara Jo ..., Reunion Bay, 454K
21465, QEP, TAT ..., Grail, 509K
21466, MRO, William USA ..., Reunion Bay, 448K
21481, Whiting, Cornabean ... Tyrone, 357K,
21488, CLR, Antelope ..., huge jump in production 6/18; 636K
21489, CLR, Antelope ..., Elm Tree, 434K
21490, CLR, Bohmbach ..., Elm Tree, huge jump in production 5/18; 319K
21502, MRO, Jahnke USA ..., Reunion Bay, 394K
21503, MRO, Jahnke USA ..., Reunion Bay, 408K
21521, QEP, Dailey ..., Spotted Horn, 428K and jump
21528, CRL, Garfield ..., Banks, 357K
21536, ERF, Mandan ..., Spotted Horn, 344K
21537, ERF, Hidatsa .., Spotted Horn, 362K
21538, ERF, TAT ..., Spotted Horn, 360K
21542, BR, Ivan 11-29TFH, Elidah, huge jump;
21564. QEP, Levang ..., Blue Buttes, 665K
21576, Hunt, Halliday ..., Wolf Bay, 355K
21590, MRO, Ostlund ..., Reunion Bay, 380K
21591, Newfield .., Keene, 380K
21592, Newfield ..., Keene, 346K
21608, MRO, Henry Charging USA ..., Reunion Bay, 429K
21609, WXP, Corral 1-36HD, Mandaree, 521K
21630, MRO, Waltom USA ..., Reunion Bay, 386K
21631, MRO, Waljen USA ..., Reunion Bay 421K
21653, Bruin, FB ..., Four Bears, 375K
21657, Oasis, Forland ..., Siverston, 431K
21664, Statoil, Skarston ..., Banks, 304K; huge jump; write this one up; no evidence it was re-fracked;
21682, XTO, Lund ..., Siverston, huge jump;
21730, Hess, CA-Stangeland ..., CAMP, small jump
21750, MrO, Wakelum ..., Reunion Bay, 343K
21760, Hess, CA-Halverson ..., Hofflund, 429K; 50K well in one month;
21761, Hess, CA-Halverson .., Hofflund, 379K
21803, Bruin, FT ..., Four Bears, 365K
21804, Statoil, Clifford Bakke ..., Alger, 334K
21813, MRO, Garry Sampson ..., Murphy Creek, off-line as of 5/18;
21815, Statoil, Richard ..., Banks, 380K
21822, Whiting, Thomas ...., Truax, 352K
21823, MRO, Ben Reckard 44-22H, Bailey, 363K, no re-frack?
21855, Hess, BL-S Ramberg ..., Beaver Lodge, 351K
21860, Crescent Point, Paopao ..., Dublin, big jump; need to come back to this field
21889, Whiting, Daryl Locken 21-22H, Sanish, 452K
21907, Staoil, Shorty 4-1 1H, Stony Creek, nice jump;
21954, Statoil, Sorenson ..., Alger, quiet comeback
21955, Statoil, Cvancara ..., Alger, quiet comeback
21963, Bruin, FB ..., Eagle Nest; huge jump, 447K
21977, CLR, Florida ..., Camp, huge well; 528K
21982, CLR, Florida ..., Camp, nice pad; 365K 7/18;
21989, Whiting, Tiisto 44-2XH, Sanish, 374K 7/18;
21994, Abraxas, Ravin ..., North Fork, huge jump
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