17005 -- EOG, a very nice Parshall well; off line 12/18; all over?
17007 -- Hess, a nice well; petering out, 8/19;
17009 -- Enerplus, a nice well;
17010 -- Hess, a nice well;
17011 -- EOG, a very nice Parshall well; petering out; t8/08; cum 450K 11/20; seems to be coming back a bit, 11/20;
17012 -- Hunt, a very nice well; petering out
17018 -- Equinor/Statoil, still active; IAW since 8/19;
17019 -- EOG, a huge Wayzetta well; a huge bump 12/13; neighboring wells fracked 11/13; cum 551K 8/19;
17020 -- Hess, a very nice well; a huge bump 2/11; no neighboring well; off line 12/18; cum 453K 8/19; off line again, 8/19; back on line 9/19;
17021 -- Hess, a nice well; petering out;
17022 -- Murex, a nice well; petering out;
17023 -- Whiting, a huge well; down to 1,500 bbls/month; cum 831K 11/20; back up to 1,800 bbls/month; at 1,500 bbls/month, 8/19; 2,300 bbls/month 11/19;
17024 -- Enerplus, a nice well, petering out; in 10/19, IA; no production after 10/19;
17026 -- EOG, a lousy well; still active
17028 -- EOG, huge Parshall well; under a 1,000 bbls/month; needs to be re-fracked (8/18);
17029 -- XTO, a nice well;
17030 -- EOG, a huge Skaar well; a huge bump in 3/13; t6/08; cum 846K 1/20;
17032 -- Whiting, huge Littlefield well in the Sanish
17034 -- EOG, nice well in the Parshall; t11/08; cum 206K 5/19;
17035 -- Whiting, a huge Kannianen well, t8/08; cum 888K 11/20;
17037 -- EOG, a very nice well; now IA as of 9/20;
17040 -- EOG, a very nice well; 561K 11/20;
17041 -- EOG, a nice well; off line as of 8/19; not sure what this is all about; back on line;
17042 -- EOG, a very nice Wayzetta well; cum 568K 11/20;
17044 -- EOG, a very nice Parshall well
17045 -- Newfield, a nice Jorgenson well; off line 8/19; lots of activity; nothing specific; now IA; 11/20;
17046 -- MRO, still active, candidate for re-frack; off line for over a year; now coming back on line;
17049 -- MRO, a nice well; recently re-fracked (5/17); t10/08; cum 352K 1/20;
17050 -- Petro-Hunt, still active; off-line as of 7/17; back on line 8/17; off line 8/19; see this post; neighboring fracking; updated; halo effect; 8/20;
17051 -- EOG, a very nice Parshall well;
17056 -- Kraken/Kaiser-Francis, a nice well; a re-frack candidate;
17060 -- Hess, a very nice well
17061 -- CLR, a very big Oakdale well; t6/08; cum 474K 8/19;
17064 -- MRO, a very nice well; re-fracked 12/14; t6/08; cum 411K 5/19;
17068 -- EOG, a very nice well; but off-line as of 7/17; two new wells being drilled? back online 8/17; no jump in production;
17070 -- Hess, a nice well; huge bump 6/17;
17071 -- Hess a nice well; a small bump 2/17; IA, 5/19; back on line 2/17;
17072 -- Whiting, a huge Sanish well;
17074 -- Hess, still active; IA, 11/20;
17075 -- EOG, a huge Parshall well; small jump in production;
17076 -- Slawson, a very nice well;
17077 -- Hess, still active
17078 -- EOG, a huge well; Parshall;
17079 -- CLR, a nice well; petering out; has come back strong, 11/20;
17080 -- Whiting, a big Niemi well;
17081 -- Whiting, a very huge Kinnoin well; but petering out
17082 -- BR; a nice CCU well
17083 -- EOG, a huge Wayzetta well;
17086 -- bounced back in 7/19;
17089 -- a huge well; previously featured; see index of wells;
17094 -- Bruin, a lousy well; off line as of 2019; done?
17096 -- Oasis, a lousy well;
17097 -- MRO, a very nice well; probably refacked, 10/14; yes, it was re-fracked;
17098 -- Kraken/Kaiser-Francis; a nice well; petering out; a second wind, 6/19; nice jump in production;
17099 -- Hess, still active; petering out
17100 -- CLR, IA still active; off-line; a lousy well so far; it became a huge well; a 50K+ well, 8/19;
17102 -- Kraden/Kaiser-Francis, a nice well; petering out
17105 -- Hess, a big well;
17106, BR, CCU Bison Point, Corral Creek; still active; very strange production profile; it was re-fracked in 2016, but jump in production didn't occur until many months later in 2017;
17107 -- MRO, a bump 5/16 but big enough to suggest a re-frack; neighboring?
17108 -- XTO, a nice well; a bump
17109 -- Liberty Resources, a lousy well; why is this one still active, 9/19?
17110 -- Oasis, a lousy well;
17111 -- EOG, a huge Parshall well;
17113 -- XTO; a huge Charlson well; 826K 1/20; this Charlson well looks like a"conventional" well; but packer frack;
17114 -- Petro-Hunt, a nice well; petering out
17115 -- Whiting, a very nice well;
17117 -- Hess, still active; petering out
17118 -- BR, a nice well; huge bump but apparently not fracked
17119 -- MRO, still active; off-line as of past several years for most part; ready to be abandoned? back online, 4/19 and looks like a nice well, again;
17120 -- EOG, a million-bbl well! 1.047408 million bbls 1/20;
17121 -- EOG, great Wayzetta well;
17122 -- EOG, great Austin well; ready for re-frack? no work on this well, and yet production up nicely noted 5/19; cum 682K 1/20;
17125 -- Hess, a very nice well; petering out?
17127 -- EOG, a very nice Wayzetta well; cum 778K 1/20;
17128 -- Hunt, a nice well; petering out;
17129 -- EOG, Wayzetta; very nice
17132 -- Sinclair, a nice Nelson well; IA as of 6/19; looks like it's dead;
17133 -- Whiting, a very nice well;
17134 -- Whiting, a very nice well;
17135 -- CLR, a nice well;
17136 -- XTO, a nice well; needs to be re-fracked
17137 -- Whiting, a nice well; needs to be re-fracked
17140 -- MRO, needs to be re-fracked;
17141 -- Hess, needs to be re-fracked;
17142 -- EOG; a great well;
17144 -- XTO, an OK well; needs to be re-fracked
17145 -- Hunt, a nice well; needs to be re-fracked
17147 -- XTO, a huge well;
17148 -- XTO, a nice well;
17149 -- XTO, a nice well; recently off-line; now back on line, 9/17; check this one again later; t10/08; cum 442K 1/20;
17150 -- CLR, needs to be re-fracked
17152 -- EOG -- a very nice well; but needs to be re-fracked;
17153 -- CLR -- a fairly mediocre well; needs to be re-fracked;
17154 -- Murex -- a very nice well; ready for re-frack
17155 -- EOG -- a nice well; needs to be re-fracked
17156 -- a Madison well;
17157 -- Whiting, really ready for a re-frack
17158 -- Whiting -- coming up on 1 million bbls! -- but probably not until 2021; t10/08; cum 980K 1/20;
17159 -- CLR, a lousy well; needs to be re-fracked
17160 --MRO, off-line -- 6/17 -- something going on? nothing on the map to suggest something going on; back on line 4/19 and looks like it might be okay; note IA; appears dead; 6/19;
17162 -- XTO, Charlson, lousy well for a Charlson well;
17163 -- Slawson, a very lousy well; in the Parshall;
17164 -- MRO; re-fracked
17165 -- Statoil, an okay well; needs to be re-fracked
17166 -- CLR, a very lousy North Tioga well
17167 -- Hess, a lousy well in Ross
17168 -- LOC
17169 -- Liberty Resources; a lousy well in Cottonwood
17170 -- EOG; a nice well;
17171 -- MRO, a re-fracked well;
17172 -- XTO, a very lousy well in St Demetrius
17173 -- Whiting; an okay well;
17174 -- CLR, a very lousy well;
17175 -- Slawson; a nice well;
17176 -- MRO, fracked in 2008; re-fracked in 2014; likely to be a candidate for a 3rd frack someday; t7/08; cum 373K 5/19; IA as of 5/19; what happened?
17177 -- EOG; a nice Austin well;
17181 -- MRO, a lousy well; stripper well status; production goes up a bit; may be interesting to follow;
17182 -- BR -- an okay well;
17183 -- Resource Energy -- a lousy well;
17184 -- EOG; a lousy well;
17189 -- EOG; a nice well;
17190 -- Hess -- an okay well;
17193 -- Oasis, a lousy well; Cottonwood
17194 -- Oasis; a lousy well; Cottonwood
17195 -- Hess, a lousy well;
17196 -- Hess; a nice well;
17197 -- QEP; a very lousy well in the Spotted Horn
17199 -- IA/MRO -- off-line; a re-frack eventually? remains off line through1/20;
17200-- BR; why did production increase a bit in 11/17; nice production continues 1/20;
17201 -- CLR -- Mittlestadt -- time to be re-fracked
17203 -- ERF -- a lousy well
17205 -- EOG - a lousy well;
17207 -- Mures -- an okay well;
17211 -- CLR, a lousy well;
17213 -- BR -- an okay well;
17214 -- Hess -- a nice well;
17215 -- EOG; a great well;
17216 -- MRO; a nice well in the Bailey; on the re-frack program? re-fracked 2/2012; t2/09; cum 208K 5/19;
17221 -- XTO; a nice well;
17222 -- EOG; a great well; one-section well; million-bbl club;
17225 -- XTO, a great Charlson well;
17226 -- Resource Energy, Ambrose, a lousy well;
17227 -- EOG, a million-bbl well; an Austin well; off line as of 7/18; back on line as of 12/18; t8/08; cum 1.074894 million bbls 5/19;
17229 -- Legacy Reserves -- a lousy well;
17231 -- Hess, a poor well;
17234 -- Bruin; a lousy well;
17235-- CLR, a lousy well;
17237 -- EOG; a nice Fertile well;
17239 -- Hunt, a nice well;
17240 -- Whiting Roggenbuck; poor cum but great recent production (11/17); 8/18 -- nice cum; t10/08; cum 310K 5/19;
17241 -- Hess, a nice well;
17244 -- Hunt; a nice well; needs to be re-fracked
17251 -- QEP; a poor well;
17253 -- Whiting; a very nice Nesheim well; 523K 8/18;
17254 -- QEP: a pretty good well; inactive as of 3/18; (posted 8/18)
17255 -- MRO, Bailey; another excellent re-fracked well; this really is a nice well; holding production near 5,000 bbls/month, 1/20;
17256 -- MRO, Killdeer; nice well; not yet re-fracked
17257 -- Hess, a lousy well; Beaver Lodge
17258 -- Hess a lousy well; Big Butte
17259 -- BR, an okay well, Jim Creek;
17260 -- QEP, a nice well; Spotted Horn;
17261 -- QEP, PA, Spotted Horn
17262 -- EOG, Austin, a nice well;
17263 -- Murex, the huge well, 1.1 million bbls as of 11/17; Chandler James, Sanish; 1.144468 million bbls 5/19; holding at 1,000 bbls/month; jumped to 4,000 bbls/month, 6/20;
17265 -- Liberty Resources, North Tioga, a lousy well;
17266 -- QEP, Spotted Horn, an okay well, but nothing great
17268 -- BR, Clear Creek, a nice well; off-line off and off
17271 -- BR, Blue Buttes, a big well;
17275 -- CLR, an okay well, Sadler
17276 -- XTO, a lousy well in the Charlson, needs to be re-fracked; looks dead;
17277 -- EOG, a good well; jump in production;
17278 -- a very lousy well; Oasis
17280 -- EOG, a very nice well; short lateral;
17281 -- EOG, Wayzetta; a very nice well;
17282 -- CLR, a nice well;
17283 -- CLR, a lousy well;
17284 -- Whiting; a nice well;
17285 -- Whiting, a nice well;
17286 -- CLR, a nice well;
17287 -- EOG, a huge well;
17289 -- Oasis, a lousy well;
17290 -- Hunt, a nice well in the Parshall;
17291 -- BR, a nice well; halo effect
17292 -- BR, a nice well; halo effect;
17293 -- Ward-Williston, dry
17294 -- EOG, Parshall, a big well; petering out;
17295 -- EOG, Parshall, a big well; petering out;
17296 -- Hunt, Parshall, a big well;
17297 -- BR, Cross, a big well recent jump in production, 12/17; link here;
17298 -- XTO, steady Eddy
17299 -- WPX, steady Eddy
17300 -- Murex, a Madison well; lousy well;
17301 -- Hunt, steady Eddy
17302 -- Hess, inactive as of 1/18;
17303 -- Slawson, steady Eddy, ready for a refrack; check on this; neighboring wells recently re-fracked; another 500K well;
17304 -- Enerplus -- steady Eddy
17305 -- CLR, West Red River; nice well;
17306 -- Murex, a Madison well; a lousy well;
17307 -- Hess, AB
17308 -- BR, steady Eddy, Corral Creek
17309 -- BR, Charlson, a lousy well for a Charlson well;
17310 -- MRO, ready to be re-fracked
17311 -- MRO, ready to be re-fracked
17312 -- Murex, a Madison well; okay for a Madison
17313 -- BR, Corral Creek, steady Eddy, a pretty good well;
17314 -- MRO, Killdeer; a nice well;
17315 -- MRO, Bailey; clearly re-fracked; link here;
17316 -- MRO, Killdeer; big well; definite bump in production, 11/14
17317 -- Eagle Operating -- Cambro/Ordovician -- TA
17318 -- MRO -- okay well, just taken off-line; a re-frack?
17319 -- BR; need to follow up in 2019; taken off-line 11/17; back on line 7/18; nice jump; FracFocus, no re-frack; neighboring well re-fracked; posted; t12/08; cum 340K 4/20;
17320 -- Rim Operating -- Midale/Nesson
17321 -- Madison -- dry
17322 -- CLR -- west Red River; steady Eddy
17323 -- BR -- big well;
17324 -- CLR, steady Eddy
17325 -- CLR -- steady Eddy
17326 -- Whiting, nice well; Sanish; t5/10; cum 440K 11/20;
17327 -- PA -- Bakken
17328 -- Oasis -- lousy, lousy well
17329 -- CLR -- lousy, lousy well
17330 -- Oasis -- lousy, lousy well
17331 -- Fidelity - PNC
17332 -- Fidelity - PNC
17333 -- MRO -- Chimney Butte -- just taken off-line; back on line; t9/08; cum 353K 4/20;
17334 -- CLR, a great well; just came off-line
17335 -- Summit -- PNC
17336 -- Slawson -- nice well
17337 -- Whiting -- steady Eddy
17338 -- Kaiser-Francis -- a great well; transferred to Kraken in 2018;
17339 -- Whiting -- Red River -- PA
17340 -- BR -- okay well;
17341 -- BR -- okay well
17342 -- Hess, okay well;
17343 -- Hess - okay well;
17344 -- XTO, okay well;
17345 -- Newfield, a great well; stand-alone post; not re-fracked; link here; back off line 10/18; remains off line through 5/19; still producing but not much; 4/20;
17346 -- EOG -- huge well; single section; jump in production
17347 -- Madison -- dry
17348 -- Newfield -- nice well in Lost Bridge; t2/09; cum 407K 4/20;
17349 -- Slawson -- nice well; ready for re-frack
17350 -- MRO - Killdeer -- very nice well; re-fracked in 2014; huge jump
17351 -- Equinor/Statoil -- huge well; never re-fracked; t8/09; cum 553K 11/20;
17352 -- Statoil -- lousy, lousy well; needs to be re-fracked
17353 -- Statoil - PNC
17354 -- Slawson -- huge well; hard to believe how good this well was back in 2008; back on line 1/19; nice recovery;
17355 -- Equior/Statoil -- big Cvancara well
17356 -- BR - big Charlson well;
17367 -- CLR -- huge North Red River B well;
17375 -- MRO - Killdeer; a nice well; a Kent Carlson well; huge jump in production; 9/19;
17400 -- a couple of huge jumps since original frack; Petro-Hunt, Shervent Trust, Charlson
17411 -- CLR, refracked
17413 -- MRO, refracked
17416 -- EOG, one section; jump in production; Austin; 928K 11/20;
17417 -- MRO, refracked
17424 -- XTO, jump in production
17430 -- XTO, refracked
17432 -- BR, just came off line, 5/17; off line again, 3/20;
17439 -- XTO, jump in production
17449 -- MRO, just taken off line, 3/17; re-fracked; see this post;
17454 -- MRO, refrack, Stroh; t12/08; cum 455K 4/20;
17471 -- BR, Merton; appears to have been re-fracked 8/16; see this post;
17475 -- EOG, Austin; jump in production; perhaps not re-fracked
17500 -- EOG, Austin; jump in production; 6/14; not re-frack jump
17501 -- MRO, Connie Connally, small jump; hard to say whether re-frack or not
17502 -- MRO, Mark Sandstrom, huge re-frack; t12/08; cum 559K 11/20; off line3/20; remains off line 4/20; back on line 8/20;
17503 -- AB, 31 Operating, LLC, Lodoen 1, Kuroki;
17504 -- AB, Slawson, back on status after being off line almost two years, 3/17
17505 -- Slawson; Wolf; huge jump after being shut in a long, long time; 263K 6/20;
17506 -- jump in production, one month, 11/16; Slawson
17507 -- PA/Dry
17508 -- PA, Legacy Reserves, a nice well; offline as of 11/14
17509 -- MRO, a nice well; struggling, 4/20; not a good well;
17510 -- Windsor, a huge well; steady Eddy; slow decline rate;
17511 -- XTO, still active; a lousy well;
17512 -- Hess, still active; a lousy well;
17513 -- Statoil, a nice well;
17514 -- Statoil, still active; a lousy well;
17515 -- Hess, still active; a lousy well;
17516 -- Sinclair; PA; a lousy well;
17517 -- Oasis, lousy well;
17518 -- Petro-Hunt, a nice well; not that great; 4/20;
17519 -- BR, lousy well;
17521 -- Encore, expired;
17522 -- EOG, a very nice well;
17523 -- EOG, a nice well;
17525 -- Lime Rock, a nice well;
17526 -- EOG, a nice well;
17529 -- BR, Morgan; big jump; must have been re-fracked; nope, not re-fracked; dead?1/20; nope, coming back nicely, 3/20;
17536 -- BR, Sunline; variable production; all high
17537 -- MRO, David Beck, huge re-frack
17539 -- EOG, Austin, more likely halo effect than re-frack
17556 -- MRO, Debb Stroh, huge re-frack
17579 -- Slawson, Peacemaker; steady Eddy
17580 -- EOG, Parshall, some interesting jumps
17590 -- steady Eddy, BR
17595 -- steady Eddy, Slawson; a fairly lousy well;
17596 -- still active, Hess
17599 -- steady Eddy, MRO -- recently off-line and back on-line as of 1/17;
17600 -- steady Eddy, nice well, Whiting, t10/09; cum 279K 4/20;
17602 -- still active, CLR
17603 -- very nice well; Whiting; t4/09; cum 589K 4/20;
17605 -- nice well; Whiting
17607 -- nice well; Hunt
17608 -- nice well; MRO, a re-frack candidate
17609 -- nice well; Hess
17610 -- still active, Oasis
17612 -- a very nice well; Whiting -- 800K -- Maki; t10/09; cum 882K 11/19; off line 11/19; remains off line 4/20; why did this great well come off line; NDIC map shows no local activity;
17613 -- a very nice well; EOG, Van Hook, t7/09; cum 578K 4/20;
17614 -- a nice Austin well, EOG
17615 -- a nice well, Hess
17618 -- a nice well, Oasis
17619 -- a very nice well, EOG, Van Hook; t12/08; cum 667K 4/20;
17620 -- a nice well, EOG,
17621 -- a nice well, EOG,
17623 -- still active, CLR,
17625 -- a nice well, Petro-Hunt
17627 -- a nice well, EOG
17628 -- refracked recently (early 2017)? MRO; t5/09; cum 539K 11/20;
17630 -- well of interest; slight jump in production; BR CCU Four Aces
17634 -- well of interest; slight jump in production; Enerplus Fredericks
17641 -- after being shut in for almost two years, back on line; after Kaiser-Francis gets it
17642 -- after being shut in for almost two years, back on line; after Kaiser-Francis gets it
17709 -- of interest, MRO
17712 -- candidate for re-frack? MRO
17713 -- candidate for re-frack? MRO
17715 -- check back in a year or two
17720 -- steady Eddy, Hess
17727 -- of interest, EOG, Fertile
17732 -- steady Eddy, EOG
17733 -- steady Eddy, BR, 501K
17748 -- just went off line, 3/17
17753 -- of interest, MRO
17754 -- of interest, EOG, Fertile; just came back on line, 3/17
17755 -- posted; t5/09; cum 366K 4/20; coming back on line 4/20;
17756 -- of interest, BR, Boxcar; t10/09; cum 424K 4/20;
17759 -- candidate for re-frack? MRO
17771 -- MRO, refracked; t3/09; cum 533K 4/20;
17776 -- steady Eddy, Whiting, 587K 11/20;
17784 -- candidate for re-frack? MRO
17797 -- steady Eddy, MRO
17804 -- steady Eddy, MRO
17812 -- interesting after Kaiser-Francis gets it; now a Kraken well; see this post for huge jump;
17817 -- taken off line 3/17, MRO; successful re-frack;
17828 -- of much interest, EOG
17829 -- taken off line 4/17, Hess; back on-line 8/17; not remarkable
17831 -- candidate for re-frack? MRO; off line 1/20; remains off line 4/20;
17851 -- of interest, EOG, Fertile; just came back on line, 3/17
17864 -- off line for past several months; Slawson; good well; back on line; small jump;
17865 -- candidate for re-frack? MRO; IA, 9/19; remains off line 4/20;
17870 -- "active" but appears abandoned, EOG, Fertile; back on status; an okay well;
17876 -- refracked recently (early 2017)? MRO; one nice day and then AB; now active again, 4/20;
17879 -- Kraken/Kaiser-Francis takes poor well off line 2/17; back online -- struggling; a lousy well in the Sanish;
17884 -- very interesting profile over life of well; CLR, Bice, 431K 6/20;
17888 -- EOG brings another Fertile well back on line after being shut in for three years
17891 -- MRO; workover, mini-frack? 12/16
17893 -- Sinclair, Uran well; re-entry; new lateral fracked with great results; t6/09; cum 345K 3/20; off line 4/20; something going on?
17895 -- steady Eddy, Whiting, Rhode
17898 -- see #17893
17903 -- just came off-line 5/17; MRO, Casey Kukla; back on line 7/17; not remarkable
17909 -- of interest; production jump early 2016; XTO, Bear Den
17910 -- of interest; production jump 5/17; EOG, Van Hook
17913 -- EOG, another Fertile well recently off line, 3/17; TA;
17933 -- of interest; production jump 2/17; EOG, Parshall; dying, 9/19; off line since 9/19;
17934 -- EOG, after being shut in for two years, back on line; nice well;
17939 -- steady Eddy, Whiting, Roggenbuck; small jump 4/18;
17942 -- candidate for re-frack? MRO
17961 -- now a Bruin operated well (5/17)
17966 -- MRO, refracked; Jerry Pennington; Reunion Bay;
17971 -- MRO, refracked? ready for another frack?
17972 -- jump in production, 5/17; EOG, Parshall
17973 -- back on line after being off line for several months; 5/17; a nice well;
17984 -- now a Bruin operated well (5/17); off line 4/20; is something going on?
17986 -- steady Eddy, Oasis; jump in production/halo effect;
17987 -- steady Eddy, BR
17989 -- steady Eddy, BR
17991 -- steady Eddy, Whiting
17992 -- steady Eddy, EOG
17996 -- still active
17997 -- steady Eddy, EOG
17999 -- still active; MRO; a re-frack candidate? open hole, 9/09; 1.4 million lbs; halo effect;
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